
Opportunities for Study

Welcome! This section of our site is your go-to resource for learning opportunities and study materials with Prof. Heiner Fruehauf, along with his colleagues and friends from across the globe.

The heart of our educational offerings lies in our membership program. As a member, you’ll gain access to new video presentations every month, featuring some of the most respected physicians and scholars in classical Chinese medicine. We also regularly share articles, including rare clinical insights and valuable scholarly information.

We invite you to dive into our resources and connect with our vibrant community of colleagues, affiliates, and friends.

Join us on this journey of knowledge and discovery!
Heiner Fruehauf

To host a speaking event with Heiner Fruehauf, please contact us.

Heiner Fruehauf holds his hand over his heart in gratitude in an online classroom on the computer

Continuing Education

Discover courses by Heiner Fruehauf, presented in collaboration with our esteemed educational partners.

Lectures, Workshops & Online Study

Explore a variety of learning opportunities, including membership, online courses, events, retreats, and workshops with Heiner Fruehauf and his esteemed colleagues from the US, Europe, and China.

Wang Qingyu, Heiner Fruehauf, and Liu Lihong

Jinjing Qigong

Jinjing Qigong is a traditional life-nourishing system that weaves together cosmological wisdom, quiet meditation practices, dynamic movement and walking exercises, dietary guidance, and herbal remedies. Dive deeper into this ancient practice and discover its holistic approach to well-being.

Links and Resources

Explore our network of organizations, colleagues, affiliates, and friends connected with

Sacred Mountain Summer Retreat

Since 1992, the Sacred Mountain Summer Retreat program has been designed around the sacred mountains of China and is designed for practitioners, students, scholars, and those with an interest in classical Chinese medicine.