Our associate has contributed this two-part research paper to our collection of work as an abbreviated version of a project that garnered the Best Thesis award during her academic tenure. These articles describe the role of the junzi by the Yijing as a person who recognizes himself as an instrument of heaven, and whose main purpose is to help others using diagnostic and treatment knowledge, by integrating with the community he[she] serves, and by illustrating to other healers the importance of spiritual cultivation in one’s practice.

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The Superior Physician: Medical Practice As Seen Through the Yijing’s Junzi (2 Parts)

2017-04-01T18:55:21-07:00Tags: , , |


Our associate has contributed this two-part research paper to our collection of work as an abbreviated version of a project that garnered the Best Thesis award during her academic tenure. These articles describe the role of the junzi by the Yijing as a person who recognizes himself as an instrument of heaven, and whose main purpose is to help others using diagnostic and treatment knowledge, by integrating with the community he[she] serves, and by illustrating to other healers the importance of spiritual cultivation in one's practice.

Reflections on the Relationship of Traditional Wisdom, Precision, and Clinical Efficacy in the Herbal Science of Chinese Medicine (2 Parts)

2021-11-08T13:27:48-08:00Tags: , , , , , , |

National University of Natural Medicine,
College of Classical Chinese Medicine

This essay represents Heiner’s contribution to 2011’s Fuyang suntan (Discussion Forum on Supporting the Yang), China’s premier conference dedicated to upholding the roots of classical Chinese medicine. He notes the enormous transformative potential that natural medicine holds in the precarious times we live in, and underscores the importance of clinical efficacy in the process of promoting our medicine. In particular, he points out the importance of the “technological” details of the clinical encounter in Chinese medicine, which have been the basis for optimum clinical results in the past. In Part 2, he shares some aspects of his personal journey toward mastering the details of precise herb prescribing.


The Concept of the Upper Level Physician

2023-05-20T12:11:54-07:00Tags: , |


In another inspiring lecture presented at Baishi Dongtian Monastery, Dr. Liu Lihong transmits an important ideal within the holistic approach of Chinese medicine: the concept of the upper level physician as defined in the medical classics, and how it contrasts from the lower, more technique oriented ways of practicing the art of medicine.

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