Cosmology & Symbolism in Chinese Medicine
All ancient systems of knowledge transmitted their data in the multi-dimensional vehicle of symbol and myth. Since modern modes of intellectual training tend to not be familiar anymore with the process of reading and extracting concrete meaning from symbolic modes of transmission, much of the diagnostic and clinical intricacies of Chinese medicine are unavailable to practitioners today. This section presents detailed information from a ten year research project dedicated to decoding the deeper meaning of the twelve organ networks and the traditional acupuncture point names.
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The Spirit of the Points: An Exploration of the Symbolic Meaning of the Acupuncture Point Names
National University of Natural Medicine, College of Classical Chinese Medicine
The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. Most Western practitioners of Chinese medicine associate each acupuncture point with an abstract number.
This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points. In essence, it is the long-anticipated companion series to the Organ Network Series, begun in 2016, and which will be concluded in 2023. In both, Prof. Fruehauf summarizes the findings of a 25-year research project that offers a glimpse into the multi-layered array of complex cosmological and clinical information that was consciously embedded in the naming of the points by the creators of Chinese medicine.
All presentations in English
Running time: 40-60 mins. per video
The Organ Networks of Chinese Medicine
National University of Natural Medicine, College of Classical Chinese Medicine
These presentations comprise a unique series about the physiology of the Chinese medicine organ networks. Based on a 25-year research project led by sinologist and Chinese medicine practitioner Heiner Fruehauf, these lectures explore a field of ancient symbolism that greatly illuminates the physical, emotional, and spiritual functions of the organ systems. Based on the introductory lecture, Macrocosmic Alchemy: The Hidden Code to Deciphering the Function of the Chinese Organ Networks.
All presentations in English
Running time: approx. 40-60 mins. per video
Stairway to Heaven: Chinese Medicine and the Science of Symbols
In this video presentation Heiner Fruehauf synthesizes his life’s work, explaining how ancient cultures used the language of symbolism to connect the material world around us to the predominant realm of energy and consciousness. In particular, he outlines how the creators of Chinese medicine devised a highly specific science of symbols to characterize the functional energetics of the human body and the relationship of every place within it to the cosmos at large.
Understanding the Heart of Humanity: A Differential Analysis of the Fire Organs of Chinese Medicine (Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, and Triple Warmer) (3 Parts)
In this passionate lecture from the recent Roots and Branches Symposium, Heiner systematically illuminates the four different layers of the heart that play such an important role in the theory and practice of Chinese medicine.
Total running time: 2hr. 23 mins.
Restoring the Clinical Power of Chinese Medicine: Theory, Diagnosis and Treatment (3 Parts)
These lectures are an in-depth continuation of Prof. Fruehauf’s previously uploaded presentation on Macrocosmic Alchemy, which set out to delineate the basic parameters of the ancient cosmological system that originally informed Chinese medicine theory. They clarify the concept of the mid-level and high-level physician, and gives concrete examples as to how traditional knowledge about the months of the year, stellar constellations, hexagrams, rivers, and tribal territories can be used to significantly enhance diagnostic and treatment skills. Richly illustrated, professionally edited by Kamal Khan.
Total running time: 2 hr. 40 mins.