Videos & Audio
On these pages of the website, you’ll find a broad range of topics with videos and audio presentations available to both the general public and to members. In each section, use the Search Tools to the right or the links above to explore the pages.
Note: the red bar across the top of the categories denotes membership content. As a non-member, some preview content is available, but you must be a member to access the full content.
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General Videos
This section features videos that cover a variety of scholarly and clinical topics in Chinese medicine like herbal medicine, Chinese arts and culture, and Qigong. Many of these videos are also available on our YouTube channel.
If you appreciate our offerings and would like to explore more, we have over 120 hours of in-depth video presentations that are clinically and scholarly relevant to practitioners, students, and scholars of Chinese medicine located in the rest of the website in the sections below. We invite you to explore our database of resources and consider becoming a member.
True Nature Radio Podcast
True Nature Radio is our long running podcast with Heiner Fruehauf and Laurie Regan aimed at educating the general public about the core principles and benefits of natural medicine. Most episodes are centered around the example of Classical Chinese Medicine and include a variety of guests.
The podcast was produced from 2011 to 2016 by an outside institution and eventually could no longer be hosted. Beginning in 2017 we began to slowly re-produce and re-release episodes. We are delighted to share the work with the public once again, and we endeavor to continue producing new episodes in 2021. For now there are plenty of episodes available for your enjoyment.

Classical Chinese Medicine:
Introductory Discussions
This section features discussions on the art and science of Chinese medicine by some of China’s brightest and most senior scholar practitioners. Together, they present a vision of Chinese medicine that is inspiring, compassionate, and firmly grounded in the timeless wisdom of the classics. They also offer a critical review of the generic approach promoted by modern TCM institutions, and urge to avoid a path that has been charted by political or business oriented agendas.

Daoist Medicine and Qigong
This section is dedicated to the transmission of knowledge from the taproot system of Chinese medicine–the nature based approach to healing that includes shamanism, alchemy and ancient hermit practices. It contains diagnostic and treatment information that is generally only transmitted in the context of the traditional teacher/disciple relationship, and can be found nowhere else.

Cosmology and Symbolism in Chinese Medicine
All ancient systems of knowledge transmitted their data in the multi-dimensional vehicle of symbol and myth. Since modern modes of intellectual training tend to not be familiar anymore with the process of reading and extracting concrete meaning from symbolic modes of transmission, much of the diagnostic and clinical intricacies of Chinese medicine are unavailable to practitioners today. This section presents detailed information from a ten year research project dedicated to decoding the deeper meaning of the twelve organ networks and the traditional acupuncture point names.

Emotional and Spiritual Healing in Chinese Medicine
This section introduces a core aspect of traditional diagnosis and therapy that has been eliminated in most contemporary approaches to Chinese medicine. In particular, it features the healing practices of a lineage of practitioners in Northern China that has exclusively used ancient Five Element classification and counseling techniques to successfully treat chronic and recalcitrant diseases since the 1880s.

Classical Chinese Herbalism
Chinese herbal medicine is a highly sophisticated system of identifying and energetically describing medicinal materials in nature. While this system has survived in more prolific form than any other body of ancient healing, the subtleties of its practice are in the process of becoming forgotten today. This section is dedicated to preserving the core knowledge of the alchemical science of harvesting, processing, combining, preparing, and ingesting herbs in the various lineages of Chinese herbal prescription.

The Classics of Chinese Medicine
This section features the timeless spirit of the Chinese medical classics, as well as interpretations of intricate concepts and clinical details contained in the Yijing, Daodejing, Huangdi neijing, Shanghan zabing lun, and other ancient texts. It is intended to enhance the clinical power of Chinese medicine at a time when the elegant yet highly practical system of holistic healing introduced by the classics has been confined to the museum.
Acupuncture and Bodywork
This section features several colleagues of the community who present their unique systems of acupuncture, acupressure, and tuina, all used to treat difficult and recalcitrant diseases. The systems featured here incorporate a decidedly classical perspective for treating disease and restoring the body’s vital systems.

Traditional Chinese Arts and Culture
At the heart of Chinese medicine is its people and culture. These pages explore classical Chinese music, particularly the qin (lute) and erhu, as well as a variety of other ancient cultural practices such as the art of tea.