Classical Chinese Medicine2025-02-27T12:31:30-08:00


Classical Chinese Medicine reflects the voices of an international movement seeking to honour and restore the classical origins of Chinese medicine.

This site features articles, lectures, and practical demonstrations by Heiner Fruehauf, PhD, LAc, Founding Professor of the College of Classical Chinese Medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine and a group of like-minded scholars in China and the West who are committed to transmit the time-honoured science of Eastern medicine as a highly sophisticated and deeply spiritual art form.

Objective of this Website

The primary goal of the site is to become an archive for a variety of unique material on Classical Chinese Medicine and its importance in clinical and educational settings. Our website features an extensive collection of video-taped lectures and previously unpublished written material, which invite you to engage with and participate in constructive dialogue. Our goal is to foster interaction between students, practitioners, and scholars of Chinese medicine in order to preserve its essence and promote its importance around the world.

Classical Chinese Medicine - Heiner Fruehauf

Earn CEU/PDA with Heiner Fruehauf

Explore a variety opportunities to study with Heiner Fruehauf, hosted by our educational partners.

Featured Content

Reference Book

Chinese Herbal Formulas: A Clinical Manual

By Heiner Fruehauf
A 236-page book of lineage based practice of herbal medicine with formulas organized by “formula families”.
Featured Article

Gao 皋: The “God” of the 5th Month and Its Defining Relevance for Heart Function in Chinese Medicine

Read the latest article from Dr. Heiner Fruehauf.

Become a Member

The main feature of the our membership is to emphasize a key trait of classical Chinese medicine that often fades away in the context of the written word – the quality of direct transmission.

Direct Transmission

Quest for the Heart in Classical Chinese Medicine

Direct Transmission shares the faces and stories of several remarkable practitioners of classical Chinese medicine, people who are a living link to the treasures of the past. It is our hope that the nature of this unprecedented material, woven of colorful and emotionally moving stories, interviews, and treatment sessions, will inspire expanded interest in, and understanding of, the profound value of traditional knowledge in general, and classical Chinese medicine in particular.

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Popular Topics logo

The Heart of Our Website is its Membership

The main feature of membership is to emphasize a key trait of Classical Chinese Medicine that often fades away in the context of the written word: the quality of direct transmission.

True Nature Radio Podcast

True Nature Radio is aimed at educating the general public about the core principles and benefits of natural medicine. Many episodes are centered around the example of Classical Chinese Medicine and include a variety of guests with unique perspectives.

In Memoriam

Remembering Prof. Deng Zhongjia



It is with great sadness that I inform you of Prof. Deng Zhongjia’s passing on February 26, 2022. Prof. Deng’s prolific work and academic philosophy was perhaps the most important influence on the process of founding the College of Classical Chinese Medicine at NUNM thirty years ago.

Thank you for your interest and support!
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