In another illuminating presentation captured at Jiashan Monastery in Hunan, China’s premier advocate of the classical wisdom traditions in Chinese medicine conveys more practical insights into the rewards and pitfalls of personal cultivation.
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I was wondering if there have been any updates on the status of the translation of Liu’s book, Si Kao Zhong Yi. I’m itching to read it. Also, if you need someone to proof read it, I’ll happily volunteer.
The translation of Liu Lihong’s groundbreaking book Sikao zhongyi is about 90% completed, and arrangements for book setting and final editing are being made as I write this. Once the book comes out in print next year, it will of course be mentioned in the newsletter. Thank you much for your interest!
Dear 海呐,
When Dr. Liu mentioned 凡夫 (不是反复), he meant ordinary person, people who are not enlightened. One of 凡夫’s nature is that we don’t value the things we get easily. 这是南怀瑾老先生(南老)经常提到的一句话。