General Videos2023-02-15T17:27:50-08:00

General Videos

Explore our selection of videos available to the public.

The videos on this page represent a broad selection of topics about Chinese medicine, ranging from Chinese herbal medicine and Daoist medicine to Chinese arts, culture and qigong.

If you like what you see, there are over 160 hours of more in-depth video presentations and two dozen scholarly and clinically relevant articles for practitioners, students, and lovers of Chinese medicine located in our membership pages. We invite you to further explore our database of resources and become a member.

Our beloved and long running podcast True Nature Radio has moved here to this page.

Classical Chinese Medicine | Membership

Eros and Agape

Scholar-physicans (in the US) Lorie Eve Dechar, Lonny Jarrett, Randine Lewis, Alexander Love, Heiner Fruehauf, and Vansanthi Vanniasingham discuss the nature of Eros and Agape and its role in healing. We discuss the Hun and Po and these two faces of love. This is the 12th release in a monthly series of discussions considering the integrality of Chinese medicine and its place in our time.

A Discussion About Wood, Emergence, and Radical Perspective

Scholar-physicans (in the US) Lorie Eve Dechar, Lonny Jarrett, Heiner Fruehauf, William Morris, Randine Lewis, Vansanthi Vanniasingham, and Brandt Stickley discuss the wood element and it's relevance to springtime and the notion of emergence and radical perspective. This is the latest release in a monthly series of discussions considering the integrality of Chinese medicine and its place in our time.

Conversation About Death

Scholar-physicans (in the US) Lorie Eve Dechar, Heiner Fruehauf, Lonny Jarrett, Randine Lewis, Alexander Love, Will Morris, and Vansanthi Vanniasingham discuss death, its relevance to living a more full life, and the practice of medicine. This is the 9th release in a monthly series of discussions considering the integrality of Chinese medicine and its place in our time.

Why Chinese Medicine Now?

Scholar-physicans Lorie Eve Dechar, Heiner Fruehauf, Lonny Jarrett, Randine Lewis, Alexander Love, William Morris, and Brandt Stickley discuss the crucial role and importance of Chinese medicine in modern times. This is the introductory release in a monthly series of discussions considering the integrality of Chinese medicine and its place in our time.

The Role of Pain and Suffering in Healing

Chinese medicine scholar-physicians in the United States discuss of the role of pain and suffering in healing. This is the 5th release in a monthly series of discussions considering the integrality of Chinese medicine and its place in our time.

Recovering from Acute and Chronic Viral Infections with Chinese Medicine


This interview with Heiner Fruehauf is a preface to a full length seminar with Healthy Seminars that will introduce students to the theory, history, and practice of Chinese medicine approaches to the recovery from acute viral infections and degenerative after-effects caused by potential autoimmune reactions. The interview is conducted by Founder Dr. Lorne Brown, B.Sc., CPA, Dr.TCM, FABORM, CHT.

Dr. Judith Boice Interviews Dr. Heiner Fruehauf



This interview was recorded for a clinical mentorship class that is part of the online doctorate completion program at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM). Judith Boice, ND, LAc, FABNO is an adjunct faculty member at ACTCM as well as an award-winning author and teacher. is delighted to share this dialogue with you, and we extend our gratitude to Dr. Boice for making this recording available.

Gu Syndrome with Dr. Heiner Fruehauf, PhD, LAc (Episode #116)


In a wide-ranging interview with health writer Scott Forsgren, Heiner outlines the unique relevance of anti-Gu treatment strategies for many modern mystery afflictions such as Lyme disease, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue disorder. He shares practical advice based on his own clinical experience with inflammatory disorders that involve chronic overwhelm of the immune system by multiple layers of inflammatory pathogens like viruses, spirochetes, fungi and a variety of recalcitrant biofilms. Heiner points, out, moreover, that ancient Gu Syndrome treatment approaches may even contain potential lessons for the treatment of COVID-19.

Sacred Chants: Medicine Buddha Chant


The Yaoshifo Mantra, or Medicine Buddha chant, is from the Chinese Buddhist Chants CD, one of four volumes from Sacred Chants, a beautifully recorded and designed 4 CD box set of over 2 ½ hours of sacred chants collected from spiritual healing communities in China by Heiner Fruehauf.

The Essence of Chinese Medicine

WU SHENG'AN is proud to announce that one of Northern China’s most pre-eminent folk physicians has become a permanent advisor to our online family. Dr. Wu Sheng’an is a classically trained master physician who still combines many traditional skills that are virtually impossible to find in one person in modern-day China: chrono-acupuncturist, wildcrafter and processor of medicinal plants, internal medicine expert specializing in difficult and recalcitrant diseases, Taiji master, and active proponent of Sun Simiao’s medical ethics.

Direct Transmission: Quest for the Heart in Classical Chinese Medicine


Direct Transmission shares the faces and stories of several remarkable practitioners of classical Chinese medicine, people who are a living link to the treasures of the past. It is our hope that the nature of this unprecedented material, woven of colorful and emotionally moving stories, interviews, and treatment sessions, will inspire expanded interest in, and understanding of, the profound value of traditional knowledge in general, and classical Chinese medicine in particular.

Classical Chinese Life Science: Fengshui and Bazi


Respected Daoist medicine elder Prof. Wang Qingyu speaks about bazi astrology, fengshui, and other traditional life sciences. In this concise presentation, he elaborates on Sun Simiao’s credo that the immersion in the pre-medical protosciences of ancient China is of great benefit for every classically trained physician. Furthermore, he introduces a convenient way that enables anyone to integrate five element birth charts into their everyday practice.

Gems from a Classical Chinese Medicine Pulse Master – Dr. Zeng Rongxiu (1927-2012)


It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Dr. Zeng Rongxiu. Dr. Zeng was the last living disciple of the great Shanghan pulse master Dr. Tian Heming. During his long career as an internal medicine doctor in Chengdu, he synthesized a highly effective system of constitutional approaches to chronic illness. To celebrate Dr. Zeng’s life and legacy with you, is making available one of Dr. Zeng’s last public teaching sessions, in which he synthesizes his life-long insights on pulse diagnosis.

Harmony of Healing


This video is a tribute to the life and work of the Daoist musician Wang Huade, who used his Qin play to heal himself and others. The Qin is China’s most ancient instrument. It’s structural dimensions were originally designed to reflect the numerological patterns of both macrocosm (the universe) and microcosm (the human body). He recently died at age 86 in Sichuan, but stays alive for us in this interview wherein he transmits his passion for the healing powers of music and traditional Chinese culture.

A Conversation On the Nature of Transmission


In this video conversation at Jiashan Monastery in Hunan Province, China, two masters of the classical healing arts spontaneously share some of their insights into how information in classical Chinese medicine gets passed on in the magic of the moment.

Insights on the Power of Jinjing Qigong


In this passionate presentation captured at Jiashan Monastery in Hunan, China's premier advocate of the classical wisdom traditions in Chinese medicine illuminates the crucial difference between ancient and modern methods of acquiring knowledge.

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