Wang Qingyu

Wang Qingyu
Sichuan Academy of Cultural History, Department of Martial Arts and Nourishing Life

Running time
27 mins.

Mandarin Chinese
Translated into English
by Heiner Fruehauf

Direct Transmission shares the faces and stories of several remarkable practitioners of classical Chinese medicine, people who are a living link to the treasures of the past. It is our hope that the nature of this unprecedented material, woven of colorful and emotionally moving stories, interviews, and treatment sessions, will inspire expanded interest in, and understanding of, the profound value of traditional knowledge in general, and classical Chinese medicine in particular.

Authors note: There is a related article by Prof. Heiner Fruehauf about Wang Fengyi and his emotional healing methods, All Disease Comes From the Heart: The Forgotten Role of the Emotions in Chinese Medicine, located in the Science of Symbols section of the site.