The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

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Spirit of the Points: Bladder Channel

2023-07-05T16:04:38-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

The “Bladder Type” and the “Kidney Type” in Chinese Medicine

2023-02-15T16:53:17-08:00Tags: , , , , , |

The bladder is the organ function that leads to Enlightenment. Heiner discusses how ancient symbol scientists described the functioning of what is arguably the body’s most mystical and esoteric channel network, namely the Bladder.

What did real “surrender” mean to the ancient Chinese, and why did they deem it to be necessary for a person to live a fully authentic life? We’ll explore this question today, through the discussion of the characteristics attributed to the Kidney Channel Network of Chinese medicine. Ancient wisdom keepers defined the body’s root system as a type of “battery” for the storage of our core vitality, called “Source Qi”.

A Classical Chinese Medicine Perspective on the Nature of Aging and Longevity

2019-01-23T18:52:23-08:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |

National University of Natural Medicine,
College of Classical Chinese Medicine

This essay explores the process of aging by exploring the symbolism of the Chinese organ networks that are initiating the downward and inward spiraling motion on the Chinese organ clock, namely the heart, the small intestine, the bladder, and the kidney.


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