The Vitality of Water

2025-02-27T12:08:05-08:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Into Healing with Mira Kaddoura
Interview with Chris Metro

Dr. Chris Metro, a friend and colleague, is a chemist turned naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist. He explores water’s impact on health, blending science, history, and insights on disease, addiction, and well-being.

Stairway to Heaven: Chinese Medicine and the Science of Symbols

2024-10-22T20:31:45-07:00Tags: , , , , , |


In this video presentation Heiner Fruehauf synthesizes his life’s work, explaining how ancient cultures used the language of symbolism to connect the material world around us to the predominant realm of energy and consciousness. In particular, he outlines how the creators of Chinese medicine devised a highly specific science of symbols to characterize the functional energetics of the human body and the relationship of every place within it to the cosmos at large.

The Alchemy of Cooking (2 Parts)

2023-12-06T15:00:38-08:00Tags: , , , , , |


After several years of COVID-related lock-downs in China, we were able to spend precious time with Dr. Liu Lihong again this summer. We felt privileged to hear about his latest project probing the intricate depths of Chinese Medicine—the alchemy of food preparation. Dr. Liu’s passionate lecture includes unique insights into the energetic properties of water and an introduction to Nanshan Yinshi, a hermit lineage of food preparation that originated from sacred Mt. Zhongnan in Shaanxi.

Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

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