Watch this video of Heiner Fruehauf touring an aconite (fuzi) processing facility in Jiangyou, the only location in China where the crop is grown and processed using traditional methods.

For more information about direct trade and sustainably sourced and processed fuzi (aconite), please visit (Für mehr Information zu Aconitum und anderen Kräutern oder Rezepturen besuchen Sie

The FDA requires the following statement: the products at Classical Pearls Herbal Formulas have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please note that our products are formulated according to classical Chinese alchemical principles. References to modern disease names in this presentation are intended to convey a general idea of how these classical principles might be applied in a modern clinical context. This should not be understood as a claim on our part that the Classical Pearls products treat, cure, or prevent these conditions.