All Disease Comes From the Heart: The Pivotal Role of the Emotions in Classical Chinese Medicine

2025-02-06T13:14:43-08:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

National University of Natural Medicine,
College of Classical Chinese Medicine

Most modern clinicians find that a majority of their patients suffer from the symptom complex generally referred to as “stress.” Emotional stress, however, is usually regarded as a confounding rather than a causative factor in pathophysiology. This assessment is contrary to the tenets of classical Chinese medicine, which originally regarded emotional imbalance as a spiritual affliction of primary significance. While ancient Chinese philosophy considered emotional sensibility as our greatest asset in the process of fulfilling human destiny, it also regarded human temperaments as our greatest liability due to vast pathogenetic potential.

Healing Through the Emotions: The Confucian Therapy System of Wang Fengyi

2023-02-15T16:50:07-08:00Tags: , , , , , |

This 5-element emotional release system can result in a rapid and profound return to health. Tamara Staudt, ND, LAc shares with Heiner and Laurie her direct experience with this powerful system of emotional healing. In 2010, Dr. Staudt was a member of the first group of foreigners to attend in a Wang Fengyi retreat in China. Having received great personal benefit as a participant, Dr. Staudt was inspired to lead the first Wang Fengyi retreat in the United States in June, 2011. Of particular note, one woman who entered the US retreat with liposarcoma remains cancer-free since that time. Heiner and Laurie have also participated in this type of healing work, and are big proponents of its powerful simplicity.

All Disease Comes From the Heart: The Pivotal Role of the Emotions in Classical Chinese Medicine

2022-09-07T11:54:59-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

National University of Natural Medicine,
College of Classical Chinese Medicine

Most modern clinicians find that a majority of their patients suffer from the symptom complex generally referred to as “stress.” Emotional stress, however, is usually regarded as a confounding rather than a causative factor in pathophysiology. This assessment is contrary to the tenets of classical Chinese medicine, which originally regarded emotional imbalance as a spiritual affliction of primary significance. While ancient Chinese philosophy considered emotional sensibility as our greatest asset in the process of fulfilling human destiny, it also regarded human temperaments as our greatest liability due to vast pathogenetic potential.

Direct Transmission: Quest for the Heart in Classical Chinese Medicine

2023-02-15T17:13:51-08:00Tags: , , , , |


Direct Transmission shares the faces and stories of several remarkable practitioners of classical Chinese medicine, people who are a living link to the treasures of the past. It is our hope that the nature of this unprecedented material, woven of colorful and emotionally moving stories, interviews, and treatment sessions, will inspire expanded interest in, and understanding of, the profound value of traditional knowledge in general, and classical Chinese medicine in particular.

Wang Fengyi’s Five Element Style of Emotional Healing (6 Parts)

2021-06-14T17:26:19-07:00Tags: , , , |

Institute for the Research and Preservation of Classical Chinese Medicine, Guanxi University of TCM

These audio lectures lay out in great detail the necessity and the foundations for psychological treatments in classical Chinese medicine. Furthermore, they outline in considerable detail the five element style of "virtue healing" introduced by the great 19th century educator and healer Wang Fengyi, which is still practiced with great clinical success by his remaining students in present day Northern China.

Total running time: 455 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

The Five Constitutional Types in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychology (3 Parts)

2023-02-15T14:40:51-08:00Tags: , , , , |


National University of Natural Medicine,
College of Classical Chinese Medicine

In these presentations, Heiner Fruehauf translates and explains in detail some of the constitutional five element teachings by the Confucian educator and 19th century peasant saint Wang Fengyi.

Total running time: 138 mins.

Spiritual and Emotional Healing in Chinese Medicine: The Legacy of Wang Fengyi (2 Parts)

2023-02-15T14:41:10-08:00Tags: , , , |

Institute for the Research and Preservation of Classical Chinese Medicine, Guangxi University of TCM

In this lecture, a classical master physician presents from a very personal perspective what was once at the core of ancient medical healing—the inseparable relationship of the physical aspects of the body to the realm of the emotions. In particular, he introduces us to an ancient yet thriving Confucian lineage in Northern China that practices healing by personal conduct, storytelling, and affirming Five-Element virtue chants.

Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf
Total running time: 151 mins.

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