The Ancient Chinese Holomap of the Body: Exploring the Mystery of the Acupuncture Point Names

2024-07-15T14:36:46-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Heiner Fruehauf National University of Natural Medicine, College of Classical Chinese Medicine Running time Part 1: 52 mins Part 2: 59 mins Part 3: 45 mins. English Filmed in Portland, Oregon (US) The Ancient Chinese Holomap of the [...]

Spirit of the Points: Lung Channel

2023-07-05T16:01:06-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Large Intestine Channel

2023-07-05T16:03:58-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Stomach Channel

2023-07-05T16:01:32-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names—a vital piece of information with enormous clinical implications, which has literally been lost in translation. Most Western practitioners of Chinese medicine associate each acupuncture point with an abstract number. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced last year with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Spleen Channel

2023-07-05T16:03:37-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Heart Channel

2023-07-05T16:02:55-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Small Intestine Channel

2023-07-05T16:03:46-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Bladder Channel

2023-07-05T16:04:38-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Kidney Channel

2023-07-10T13:54:17-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Pericardium Channel

2023-07-05T16:05:48-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Triple Warmer Channel

2023-07-05T16:05:58-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Gallbladder Channel

2023-07-10T13:53:45-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

Spirit of the Points: Liver Channel

2023-07-05T16:06:07-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The great Tang dynasty scholar physician Sun Simiao hinted 1,400 years ago that the secret of understanding the power of the acupuncture points is encoded in their ancient names. This vital piece of information has enormous clinical implications and has literally been lost in translation. This series represents the detailed delivery of goods that was announced in 2018 with the existing video lecture on symbolism of acu-points.

The Triple Warmer Organ Network of Chinese Medicine

2023-02-15T16:43:24-08:00Tags: , , , , , |

This episode explores the most mysterious of the organ networks. Join us for a discussion of the elusive Triple Warmer Organ Network—perhaps the least understood of the Chinese organ systems. While not easily associated with any specific physical organ, the Triple Warmer functions are related to warmth, water metabolism, and networking throughout the body. Aspects of nervous and endocrine system functioning are likely involved.

The “Bladder Type” and the “Kidney Type” in Chinese Medicine

2023-02-15T16:53:17-08:00Tags: , , , , , |

The bladder is the organ function that leads to Enlightenment. Heiner discusses how ancient symbol scientists described the functioning of what is arguably the body’s most mystical and esoteric channel network, namely the Bladder.

What did real “surrender” mean to the ancient Chinese, and why did they deem it to be necessary for a person to live a fully authentic life? We’ll explore this question today, through the discussion of the characteristics attributed to the Kidney Channel Network of Chinese medicine. Ancient wisdom keepers defined the body’s root system as a type of “battery” for the storage of our core vitality, called “Source Qi”.

The Cosmology and Symbolism of the Twelve Organ Systems of Chinese Medicine

2023-02-15T16:58:02-08:00Tags: , , , , , |

This week, we open the door to a rich understanding that has come from more than a decade of research by a study group led by Heiner. Through excavation of the profound and timeless knowledge held in the ancient Chinese record, this team has uncovered multi-layered, symbolic meaning behind the system of 12 meridians that play a central role in Chinese medicine. Commonly thought of as pathways of qi flow in the body, these meridians, or organ systems, relate to sets of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual functions in the microcosm of the human body.

The Empress of all the Chinese Organ Networks—the Heart

2023-02-15T17:00:54-08:00Tags: , , , , , , |

This week we explore the Heart Organ Network. The primary function associated with Heart in Chinese medicine is to move our awareness in the direction of unity, and enable us to experience true community and connection. Join us as we explore how the ancients conceived of this fundamental role in our human experience, and what their insights have to offer us in today’s increasingly alienating world.

Why Classical Chinese Medicine is Relevant Today

2023-02-15T17:02:15-08:00Tags: , , , , , , , |

Co-host Laurie Regan interviews Heiner Fruehauf to learn about the basic principles of classical Chinese medicine, and why this ancient knowledge still holds so much relevance for us today. Many ancient cultures had the practical realization that everything that exists is an inseparable mix of energy and matter, and is interconnected with everything else. Nothing is coincidence. In the realm of medicine, this means that every illness has meaning, and every symptom is a physical marker for the energy and consciousness that forms it. We can learn to read and interpret symptoms to understand the root cause of illness and find true solutions for restoring health.

The Six Conformations (liujing): Reflections by a Shanghan Expert (2 Parts)

2023-11-06T19:09:20-08:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |


The organization of the 12 organ systems into 3 yang pairs and 3 yin pairs and the associated system of six conformation diagnostics (liujing bianzheng) remains one of the less explored areas of contemporary Chinese medicine. Twenty five years ago, Dr. Liu Lihong wrote one of China's first doctoral dissertations in the field of Chinese medicine on the six conformation approach to diagnosis and therapy. Since then, he has become known for his deep and clinically relevant lectures on this classical system that was first outlined in the Neijing and Shanghan lan.

Total running time: 112 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

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