After a similar lecture series Daoist Medicine: the Alchemical and Shamanic Root of Chinese Medicine that we offered 10 years ago, Prof. Wang Qingyu, China’s premier expert of Daoist medicine and the ancient science of nourishing life is back with us at the ripe age of 80 to give us another round of reflections on his favorite topic.

Total running time: 3 hrs. 5 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

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Videos about a wide variety of subjects in classical Chinese medicine.

Medicine and the Dao: New Reflections on the Relationship Between Two Vital Aspects of Chinese Culture (3 Parts)

2023-05-19T18:21:47-07:00Tags: , , , , , |


After a similar lecture series Daoist Medicine: the Alchemical and Shamanic Root of Chinese Medicine that we offered 10 years ago, Prof. Wang Qingyu, China's premier expert of Daoist medicine and the ancient science of nourishing life is back with us at the ripe age of 80 to give us another round of reflections on his favorite topic.

Total running time: 3 hrs. 5 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

Importance of Herbal Processing (paozhi) in the Clinical Science of Chinese Medicine (3 parts)

2022-10-31T17:21:29-07:00Tags: , , |

College of Pharmacology, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In this lecture series, one of China's last remaining experts in the field of herbal alchemy gives a passionate introduction to the forgotten science of paozhi. He explains how processing raw herbs with honey, vinegar, alcohol, clay and other transformative substances can affect their clinical potency and direction.

Total running time: 223 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

The Six Conformations (liujing): Reflections by a Shanghan Expert (2 Parts)

2023-11-06T19:09:20-08:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |


The organization of the 12 organ systems into 3 yang pairs and 3 yin pairs and the associated system of six conformation diagnostics (liujing bianzheng) remains one of the less explored areas of contemporary Chinese medicine. Twenty five years ago, Dr. Liu Lihong wrote one of China's first doctoral dissertations in the field of Chinese medicine on the six conformation approach to diagnosis and therapy. Since then, he has become known for his deep and clinically relevant lectures on this classical system that was first outlined in the Neijing and Shanghan lan.

Total running time: 112 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

Restoring the Vital Link Between Gut Chemistry and Brain Chemistry: Using Chinese Herbs to Treat Food Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, IBS, SIBO and GAPS (2 Parts)

2023-11-06T19:09:28-08:00Tags: , , , , , |


In this 2-part series, Heiner Fruehauf explains how to restore gut terrain with Chinese herbs and re-establish the important connection between the body's digestive system and the nervous system and brain. Particularly, he focuses on digestive impairments such as food allergies, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, and gut and physiology syndrome.

Total running time: 96 mins.

The Crisis of Modern TCM – An Analysis

2023-05-20T12:11:09-07:00Tags: , , |


Part 1 of the presentation The Path of Transmission - Restoring the Art of Teaching Chinese Medicine

In this presentation, one of the primary proponents of the Classical Chinese Medicine movement in China offers one of the clearest analyses to date regarding the problems of Oriental Medicine in the modern educational environment. Furthermore, he asserts that the clinical efficacy of medicine has already declined and enumerates why this must change.

The Concept of the Upper Level Physician

2023-05-20T12:11:54-07:00Tags: , |


In another inspiring lecture presented at Baishi Dongtian Monastery, Dr. Liu Lihong transmits an important ideal within the holistic approach of Chinese medicine: the concept of the upper level physician as defined in the medical classics, and how it contrasts from the lower, more technique oriented ways of practicing the art of medicine.

What Is a Classic: On the Importance of Transmission, Inner Cultivation and Sage Consciousness

2023-02-15T14:43:39-08:00Tags: , , , |

Institute for the Research and Preservation of Classical Chinese Medicine, Guangxi University of TCM

Total running time: 56 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English
by Heiner Fruehauf

In this lecture given on the top of Mt. Baishi, meditation site of the great 4th century alchemist Ge Hong, China’s main proponent of classical Chinese medicine gives an articulate and highly personal transmission about the reasons why a Chinese medicine practitioner should study the medical classics and use them as an important cultivational tool.

The Role of Fasting in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Bigu (2 parts)

2023-05-19T18:22:28-07:00Tags: , , , |


The practice of fasting for cleansing and longevity purposes used to play an important role in the hygiene rituals of Daoist medicine. In this presentation, one of China's leading China's experts on the forgotten modalities of classical Chinese medicine introduces a traditional fasting system from a lineage healing with "bigu" in mainland China.

Total running time: 100 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

Formula Family Series: Xiexin Tang, Sini San, and Baihe Tang Formulas (3 Parts)

2023-11-06T19:09:57-08:00Tags: , , , , , , |


An 84-year old master of the Tian Heming Shanghan lineage of Sichuan herbalism shares practical case examples that illuminate important aspects of Shanghan lun formula application.

Total running time: 167 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

A Practical Introduction to Dr. Wu Sheng’an’s Method of Ascending/Descending Chinese Herbal Prescriptions

2023-11-06T19:09:03-08:00Tags: , , , , , , |

Xi'an Master Folk Physician

Eldest son of Dr. Wu

Dr. Wu Sheng’an is a classically trained master physician whose practice combines many traditional skills that are virtually impossible to find in Dr. Wu Sheng'anone person in modern-day China: chrono-acupuncturist, wildcrafter and processor of medicinal plants, internal medicine expert specializing in difficult and recalcitrant diseases, Taiji master, and active proponent of Sun Simiao’s medical ethics. In a medical practice that has spanned more than 50 years, Dr. Wu has synthesized core teachings of several historically renowned lineages into one highly effective and cohesive clinical system. In video lecture, Dr. Wu’s eldest son Wu Zhaoqing provides a practical and systematic introduction to the unique herbal approach of the Wu Sheng’an lineage.

Total running time: 134 mins
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

A Synthesis of liujing bianzheng (Six Conformation Diagnostics) and the Practical Application of Shanghan lun Formulas (3 Parts)

2023-11-06T19:08:52-08:00Tags: , , , , |


Dr. Zeng was a veteran physician from Chengdu (Sichuan) who specialized in the treatment of difficult and recalcitrant diseases with herbal formulas from the Shanghan lan and Jingui yaolüe. The simplicity of his clinical approach, combined with the fervent belief that all disease can be healed with natural methods, transmit the core essence of the practical aspects of classical Chinese medicine. Until his passing in 2014, he was living in retirement in Los Angeles and continued to teach students at Five Branches University and the College of Classical Chinese Medicine at National University of Natural Medicine.

Total running time: 178 mins.
Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Heiner Fruehauf

Understanding the Heart of Humanity: A Differential Analysis of the Fire Organs of Chinese Medicine (Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, and Triple Warmer) (3 Parts)

2024-10-22T17:00:13-07:00Tags: , , , , , , , |


In this passionate lecture from the recent Roots and Branches Symposium, Heiner systematically illuminates the four different layers of the heart that play such an important role in the theory and practice of Chinese medicine.

Total running time: 2hr. 23 mins.

Understanding Cancer: Spiritual and Physical Reasons for Its Development and Complementary Treatment Strategies with Chinese Herbs (3 Parts)

2023-11-06T19:08:44-08:00Tags: , |


Heiner Fruehauf found his way to the profession of classical Chinese medicine more than two decades ago while healing from cancer. Since then, he has explored many alternative cancer treatments and accumulated a host of information on how to accompany conventional treatments of cancer with Chinese herbs, Qigong, emotional therapy, and other modalities. In this multi-part lecture at his home in the Sandy River Gorge in Oregon, Heiner systematically shares his clinical approach to this difficult disorder.

Total running time: 148 mins.

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